Tech Info  |  Wiring Diagrams
Power Wire: 12 gauge RED Wire
Ground Wire: 12 gauge BLACK Wire
Output(+): 18 gauge BROWN Wire
Output(-): 18 gauge YELLOW Wire
Remote turn-on: 18 gauge ORANGE wire
Left High-Level input(+): 18 gauge GREEN Wire
Left High-Level input(-): 18 gauge GREEN W/Black Stripe Wire
Right High-Level input(+): 18 gauge GRAY wire
Right High-Level input(-): 18 gauge GRAY Wire W/Black Stripe Wire
RCA input (+): BLUE wire with female RCA head
RCA input(-): WHITE wire attached to Blue wire and RCA head

BTAxx250D Power Wire
The 12 gauge red wire on the 2-pin power plug is the 12 Volt positive power wire. It must be connected to the positive terminal of the battery to provide a power source with a low voltage drop and low noise. Do not make the power connection at the fuse block or any point other than the battery. Improper power sources can reduce output and cause distortion.

The fuse holder should be connected to the battery's positive terminal. The fuse is designed to prevent fire or damage to your car, should the battery wire short to ground. Wait to insert the fuse into its holder until all power connections have been made.

If it is necessary to lengthen the battery wire, add the required length between the amplifier and the fuse holder, not the fuse holder and the battery. Use 12 gauge or larger to extend the battery wire. It is best to use as short a wire as possible.

Be sure you DO NOT run the power wire next to the input cables of the amplifier, as this may induce noise.

Avoid running the power wire near the radio's antenna or power leads, or near sensitive equipment or harness. The power wire carries substantial currents and could induce noise.

CAUTION: DO NOT substitute the 15 amp fuse included with the Amplified Bazooka with anything other than the same fast blow current rated fuse. Substitution or deletion will void the product's warranty and may cause damage to you car or the amplifier.

BTAxx250D Ground Wire
The 12 gauge black wire on the 2-pin power plug is the negative ground wire. It must be connected directly to the vehicle chassis near the amplifier.

We do not recommend extending the ground wire in any installation, as this can cause unwanted ground loops.

The ground point in the car should be a piece of chassis metal that is welded to the main body of the vehicle. Painted surfaces should be scraped or sanded clean before the ground lug is bolted down. (Cover the bare metal area with paint or grease to prevent rust.)


BTAxx250D Remote Turn on Options
The Orange wire on the Amplified Bazookas' 14-pin Molex Mini-fit Jr. connector is the remote turn on wire. You have several options for connecting the Remote Turn-on.
Option One - 12 Volt Remote from source unit with an on\off switch
Option Two - 12 Volt Remote from source unit
Option Three - 12 Volt Accessory or ignition with an on\off switch
Option Four - 12 Volt Accessory or ignition


BTAxx250D Remote Turn-On Option One
Using an on/off switch connect the ORANGE Remote Turn On to one side of this switch, with the other side connected to the source unit's "Accessory," Auto-Antenna," or "Remote" lead -- any of which will supply 12 Volts positive when the source is turned on.

The on/off switch allows you to demonstrate to others the difference the Amplified Bazooka makes in your system, or to turn it off whenever you desire.

BTAxx250D Remote Turn-On Option Two
If you don't want the use of an on\off switch you may hook up the ORANGE Remote Turn On wire to the source unit's "Accessory," Auto-Antenna," or "Remote" lead -- any of which will supply 12 Volts positive when the source unit is turned on.

This will allow the Amplified Bazooka to be turned on and off with the source unit.

BTAxx250D Remote Turn-On Option Three
If the source unit does not have an Auto-Antenna lead (or if the Auto-Antenna goes down during tape operation) you can connect the Amplified Bazookas' ORANGE Remote Turn-On wire to one terminal of the on/off switch and the Switch's other terminal to an accessory or ignition point at the vehicle's fuse block.

In this configuration, the Amplified Bazooka will be on whenever the ignition and the on/off switch are both on.

This method may allow noise or turn-on and turn-off transients to become amplified when the source unit is not in use.

If this occurs, simply turn off an on\off switch when the source unit is not in use and this noise will be eliminated.


BTAxx250D Remote Turn-On Option Four
If you don't want the use of an on\off switch and the source unit does not have an Auto-Antenna lead, you may hook up the ORANGE Remote Turn-On lead to an accessory or ignition point at the vehicle's fuse block.

This will allow the Amplified Bazooka to be turned on by the vehicles' ignition, and remain on as long as the key is in the accessory of run position.

NOTE: This method may allow noise or turn-on and turn-off transients to become amplified when the source unit is turned on, off or whenever it is not in use and the vehicles' ignition is on, and therefore may prove to be unsuitable for your application.

BTAxx250D Input Signal Connections

If the source unit has only speaker outputs, use the Amplified Bazooka's high-level inputs. If the source unit has both high and low level outputs, we recommend using the high level inputs over the low level inputs, due to the configuration of the BTAxx250D's balanced input circuit. NEVER USE BOTH high and low-level inputs at the same time!

Connect the GREEN wire from the 14-pin Molex plug of the Amplified Bazooka to the source units left (+) positive speaker output. Connect the GREEN W/BLACK stripe wire of the plug to the source units left (-) negative speaker output. Connect the GRAY wire of the plug to the source units right (+) positive speaker output. Connect the GRAY W/BLACK stripe wire of the plug to the source units right (-) negative speaker output. If the source unit has both front and rear speaker outputs, use only one set of speaker outputs for the high-level input of the Amplified Bazooka.

WARNING - Connecting one of the Amplified Bazooka's High-level Input channels out of phase electrically with the other High-level Input channel may cause damage to the amplifier's input section. NEVER DO THIS!

If you are not sure of the polarity of the wires that you are tapping into, connect one channel first and check it by turning on the unit and listening to it.

If there is no output, turn off the unit and reverse the polarity of the inputs wires.

If it still has no output, you have other problems, Check all connections. If it sounds correct, turn off the unit and connect the other channel.

Turn on the unit again and listen to it, if the output increases, you are connected correctly.

If the output drops or is reduced, turn off the unit immediately as it is not the correct polarity and may damage the unit.

Reverse polarity of one channel and check it again, the output should increase which indicates you have the connections correct.


If your source unit only has low-level RCA phono jack output, use only the low-level inputs of the Amplified Bazooka.

Connect the low-level RCA phono jack inputs of the Amplified Bazooka to the source with a shielded RCA patch cord. To avoid possible noise problems, be sure to run the patch cord away from all power wires and factory wire harnesses.

DO NOT make any connections to the Green and Gray high level wires of the Amplified Bazooka and be sure these wires are insulated to avoid the possibility of a short circuit.


BTAxx250D Optional High-Level Output
The Amplified Bazooka has provisions for high level output to a second Bass Tube. If you want to use this feature, you can purchase a Bazooka slave unit from an authorized SAS dealer.

Be sure to use a slave unit that is the same size as you amplified unit. This is necessary because different size woofers have different efficiencies. These efficiency differences result in the two woofers playing at different volume levels, making it difficult to adjust the system to the desired sonic quality.

Located the BROWN and YELLOW wires on the 14-pin Molex plug, connect the BROWN wire to the RED terminal of the slave unit, and the YELLOW wire to the BLACK terminal of the passive unit.

The Amplified Bazooka is now operating under a 2 ohm load and is delivering a total of 300 watts.


Adjusting the BTAxx250D Crossover
The built-in crossover on the Amplified Bazooka is a 12dB per octave electronic low pass filter, it has a 50Hz to 250Hz variable crossover point. Select the crossover point that best suits your system design. Set the potentiometer labeled XOVER to the point you selected, 50Hz being all the way to the right (clockwise) and 250Hz being all the way to the left (counter-clockwise). When you have set the crossover, proceed to the next step.


Adjusting the BTAxx250D Level Control
Locate the potentiometer labeled LEVEL. This is the level control. Start with the level control turned all the way to the right (clockwise). The bass should be off or very low at this point. Turn up your head unit until the sound form the existing speakers starts to clip or distort. This is the point in your system where you will get maximum volume with the least amount of distortion. With the head unit at this point, turn the level gain control up slowly until the bass volume blends well with the existing high frequency speakers. This should be the proper setting for the level gain control. Now that the level is set, you may want to go back to the crossover control and adjust the crossover point by ear to meet the desired sonic quality of your system design.


SAS, BAZOOKA, BASS TUBES, and LISTEN TO YOUR EARS are registered trademarks of Southern Audio Services, Inc.